Victor Olet

I am a science all-rounder, passionate about science literacy and communication. With a focus on chemistry and chemical engineering, I am pursuing a doctoral degree in renewable energy with the Fuels and Energy Technology Institute at Curtin University, looking at biomass valorisation for transport fuels and as precursors of green plastics and other key molecules that drive the world economy.

To foster interest in the chemical sciences amongst my peers and the next generation of students, I have joined the American Chemical Society’s Australia Chapter as Treasurer to promote chemical science awareness and foster the links between industry, academia and prospective students.

I have explored my interest in science communication by partnering with high schools around Western Australia through CSIRO’s STEM Professionals program, where we design experiments to help students understand fundamental science concepts, preparing the next generation for the challenges of tomorrow.

I am also passionate about technology and its incorporation into science and other sectors. To this end, I enrolled into the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program to enhance my digital literacy and community building skills. As a result, I have incorporated computational chemistry into my research work, and I am currently looking to understand and incorporate Machine Learning approaches in the near future. As an ambassador, I also take part in various Microsoft Student Initiatives, with the end of goal of enhancing science research through technology.

Due to my active contributions to the Windows team through the Windows Insider Program, I was awarded the 2023 Windows Insider Most Valuable Professional Award, which allows me to explore technology communication through the Windows platform.